The Seven Chakras
1. Muladhara (base chakra)
- Symbol: The 4-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Coccyx (base of the spine)
- Colour: Red
- Body system: Elimination, lymph system
- Emotion: Fear
- Endocrine gland: Ovaries and testes
- Stone: Garnet
- Mantra:Lam
- Asana: Upavista Konasana (seated wide-angle pose)
Affirmation: “I am connected to mother earth and feel secure and protected.”
2. Svadhistana (sacralchakra)
- Symbol: The 6-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Sacrum
- Colour: Orange
- Body system: Digestive, reproductive system
- Emotion: Passion
- Endocrine gland: Adrenals
- Stone: Ruby
- Mantra:Vam
- Asana: Salabhasana (Locust pose)
Affirmation: “I am worthy of love and physical pleasures. Life offers me everything I need for that journey”.
3. Manipura (solar plexuschakra)
- Symbol: The 10-petaled lotus flower
- Location: lumbar region of spine opposite navel
- Colour: yellow
- Body system: intestines, liver
- Emotion: anger
- Endocrine gland: pancreas
- Stone: topaz
- Mantra:Ram
- Asana: Ardha matsyendrasana (spinal twist)
Affirmation: “I know I am becoming the best person I can be.”
4. Anahata chakra (heart chakra)
- Symbol: The 12-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Centre of chest
- Colour: green
- Body system: Heart and lungs
- Emotion: Love, compassion
- Endocrine gland: thymus
- Stone: emerald
- Mantra: Yam
- Asana: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Affirmation: “I love myself for who I am and the potential within me.”
5. Vishuddha chakra (throatchakra)
- Symbol: The 16-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Base of throat
- Colour: blue
- Body system: throat
- Quality: introspection
- Endocrine gland: thyroid
- Stone: turquoise
- Mantra:Ham
- Asana: Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Affirmation: “My voice, thoughts and speech are filled with conviction.”
6. Ajna chakra (third eye)
- Symbol: The 2-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Eyebrow centre
- Colour: indigo
- Body system: Forehead
- Quality: Focus
- Endocrine gland: pituary
- Stone: amethyst
- Mantra:Om
- Asana: Padmasana (lotus pose) – concentrate on eyebrow centre
Affirmation: “The answers to all my questions lie within me.”
7. Sahasrara chakra (crownchakra)
- Symbol: The 1000-petaled lotus flower
- Location: Crown of head
- Colour: Violet
- Body system: Brain
- Quality: Bliss, peace
- Endocrine gland: pineal
- Stone: gold topaz, diamond
- Mantra: Silence
- Asana: Shirshasana (headstand)
Affirmation: “I release all limited thoughts and lift myself up to higher levels of awareness”.