Pranayama Exercises
This breathing exercise uses the lower, mid and upper part of the respiratory muscles. Start with abdominal breathing, followed by thoracic breathing and finally clavicle breathing. Reverse the order when you exhale.
- Increases lung capacity, slows respiration rate.
- Calms the mind.
Sheetkari (cooling breath)
Sheetkari means cooling. This technique is unusual because the inhalation is through the mouth and exhalation though the nostrils.
The tip of the tongue is placed on the palate. Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
- Cools the system.
- Relaxes the mind.
Brahmari means bee. The exhalation sound is similar to a female bee.
Place the thumb on your ears; and as you inhale drop the head behind, then exhale making the sound of the humming bee and lower your chin down.
- Nourishes and calms the brain cells.
- Soothes the nerves.
- Helps in treating insomnia
Ujjayi breath, also known as the “ocean breath”, the sound made during this practice resembles the distant sound of the rolling of the ocean.
Begin by sitting in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Begin by taking long, slow and deep breaths through the nostrils. Now, allow the breath to be gentle and relaxed as you contract the back of your throat, slightly, in order to breathe in and out. You need to create a steady hissing sound as you do this exercise. Lengthen the inhalation and the exhalation as much as possible without creating tension in any part of the body. Allow the sound of the breath to be smooth and continuous.
- Strengthens the nervous system and improves concentration.
- Stimulates blood circulation and increases the body's' metabolism.
- Improves lung stamina.
- Relaxes the body and mind.
This is a simple form of alternate nostril breathing. Nadi means, “channel” and refers to the energy pathways through which the prana flows. Shodhana means, “cleansing”. Nadi shodhana means purification of nadis or channels.
- Hold your right hand up and curl your index and middle fingers toward your palm. Close the right nostril by pressing it gently with your thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Now, close the left nostril with your thumb and exhale through the right nostril.
- Inhale through the right nostril, close it, and then exhale through the left nostril. (This is one round of Nadi Shodhana.)
- Now, inhale through the left.
- Exhale through the right.
- Inhale through the right.
- Exhale through the left.
- Strengthens the nervous system.
- Helps conditions such as anxiety, depression, hypertension, hypotension.
Kapala means skull and bhati means to purify. In this pranayama, through quick, rapid expulsions of the breath, the nasal passages are cleaned and purified.
Inhale deeply. Exhale partially with rapid movements of the abdomen.
- Increases oxygen and blood circulation to the head region.
- Improves digestion, prevents constipation.
- Tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles.