Range of remedies

MilkA glass of milk, sweetened with honey, acts as a tonic and a tranquilizer. Massaging the soles of the feet with milk has been found effective.

Remedy for: Insomnia

Aloe Vera

Pulp the leaves using a juicer. Squeeze the pulp using a strainer lined with a muslin cloth to collect the juice. Drink the juice.

Health Tonic


FigPut some figs and prunes in water in a saucepan. Soak for 6-7 hours and then bring it to boil. Simmer until the fruit is soft and the excess liquid has evaporated. Stir some treacle in it, cool it and mix it in a food processor. Transfer to a jam jar and refrigerate it. Take one tsp of the syrup as and when you need it.

Remedy for: Constipation

Beetroot Soup

Peel and dice the beetroot and blend in a food processor. Add the vinegar and sugar. Process for 1-2 minutes into a chunky puree. Transfer to a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for upto 12 hours. Beetroot not only promotes a healthy digestive system but also cleanses the system.

Remedy for: Anaemia
