LIVE ACTIVE, a company established by global fitness expert Namita Jain in January 2001, delivers effective and holistically designed wellness programs based on individual needs. Live Active is one of the first wellness companies to be launched in India.
Today's fast paced life has made people all the more aware about the need to be health conscious, to exercise regularly and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
Live Active supports you in your endeavour for good health. It promotes wellness programs that go beyond mere physical wellness. It enshrines the concepts of Ayush (longevity), Arogya (whole health) and Soukhyam (well-being).
OUR MISSION Our mission is to empower people to take control of their health and to improve the quality of life by integrating the best of exercise, lifestyle and weight management techniques based on progressive scientific research. |
We offer you consultations on lifestyle management, obesity management, sport performance management and exercise requirements for specific medical needs.
We also offer modules on training the fitness trainers and specific fitness modules for busy executives.
Namita Jain, the director of Live Active holds classes on Yoga, Pranayama, Pilates, Step and Aerobics.
Live Active is your gateway to resources on health and lifestyle management. We bring you specialized knowledge on fitness and wellness.