Jaldi Fit
Fitness Triangle

Ever fretted over what fitness exercises would suit your body most?

Learn how to train in the “exercise trinity”- Cardiovascular, Strength and Flexibility.

Cardiovascular Fitness

This is the base of the triangle, the foundation of fitness. The heart is the most active muscle in the body and regular exercise makes it work more efficiently. The type of exercise that conditions the heart is called “aerobic”. The exact kind of aerobic exercise you do is up to you, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, skipping or anything that you enjoy doing. A minimum of 20 minutes, thrice a week of aerobic activity is essential to produce beneficial results to the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Some people may enjoy group aerobics, while others may enjoy playing a sport. Many of you might just like to take a brisk walk or do something that does not depend on scheduling around other people. Do whatever you are comfortable with and work at a pace that suits you.

Strength Training

Strength TrainingThis is the second side of the fitness triangle. Strong muscles allow you to do activities with increased energy and ease. Muscular strength is the amount of force exerted by a muscle or a group of muscles, for instance,  how much weight you can lift or push. Strength training promotes independent living as a person ages. It is great for improving posture and is also a key factor in aiding fat loss. You can strength train on various forms of equipment, either in a health club, gym or at home. Train each major muscle group two to three times per week. Strengthening or toning a muscle without resistance or weights requires slow controlled movements with concentrated muscular tension. When adding body weight or specific training apparatus, a more positive and efficient training effect can be achieved. Good form and technique must be maintained

Flexibility Training

Flexibility Training

This is the third side of the fitness triangle. Flexibility is the range of motion at a given joint. Having appropriate flexibility enables you to perform everyday activities safely and efficiently, for example, touching your toes, reaching for the top shelf, putting on buttons at the back of your outfit. Flexibility is as important to your fitness as cardiovascular and strength training. Exercisers often neglect this part of a fitness program.

Flexibility increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures, increases tissue temperature which in turn increases circulation. It decreases risk of injury during activity and reduces muscle soreness. It is also an excellent relaxation technique. Most good fitness classes emphasize on stretching before and after a workout. You can also join classes such as Yoga, Tai chi, Pilates, two to three times a week, to improve your flexibility.

The Fitness Triangle is a balanced exercise program aimed at improving all-round fitness. A good activity schedule helps the body to lose fat and gain lean, energetic muscle. There is never a better time to start a fitness program than ‘NOW’!
