Jaldi Fit


Walking is the simplest and the most natural form of exercise. It is extremely popular with people of all ages and fitness abilities because of its effectiveness and convenience.

Dr. Pratima Rajan of Jaslok hospital, cardiac rehabilitation and preventive department, advocates the effectiveness of walking. She says, “Walking is the nearest activity to perfect exercise because it is a low impact cardiovascular exercise that works the whole body. It protects the joints by placing minimum strain on them and improves the condition of the heart, lungs and bones.”

Did you know?

It involves nearly all your muscles -- the abdominal and back muscles are stabilized as they hold the spine erect, the arms work in opposition to legs. Walking improves posture, tones the arms, shoulders, torso and legs.


  • It is terrific for burning calories and strengthening muscles.
  • It is a low-impact activity with a low injury potential.
  • It improves balance, posture, coordination and agility.
  • It lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • It increases bone density.
A walking fact

Just five 30-minute walking sessions of approximately 2 miles each week can reduce the risk of heart attack by more than 25 percent.

Burning calories

Every mile you walk approximately burns 100 calories. If you walk 5 miles a day, everyday, you will burn about 3500 calories, or 1 pound in a week.

Weight loss

In order to loose weight you need to burn calories and consume less fat. So watch what you eat! Cut back on fats and sugar. You don’t need to starve yourself, but eat a well-balanced diet that includes a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and sprouts.

Stride out with confidence

The better your form, the more muscles you’ll use and the more calories you’ll burn. Walk tall, with your head centered between your shoulders and your chest lifted. Bend elbows and pump your arms swinging forward and back from your shoulders. Pull your abs in and with feet firmly on the ground, strike first with your heel and then roll your entire foot until you push off into the next stride with the ball of your foot.
