Vitamin C, folate, potassium, limonene
Interesting facts
- Lemon is a powerhouse of antioxidant Vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system.
- It contains limonene, a chemical that has antiseptic properties to help kill germs.
Did you know?
Squeezing lemon juice onto peeled fruit, such as apples and bananas stops them from turning brown.
- 2 small lemons (squeeze out the juice)
- 75 grams sugar (powdered)
- 400 mlwater
- Salt to taste
Method: Mix the ingredients.
The humble lentil, most commonly used, as a part of our staple diet, is an excellent source of carbohydrate, protein, Vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Why lentils?
- Vitamins are rich in B-Vitamins, which help boost the immune system.
- They contain essential minerals including the antioxidant selenium, and iron which is vital for healthy blood.
- They help boost energy, and can improve heart and digestive health.
A green salad is often part of a healthy meal, and lettuce is by far the most popular ingredient.
- Low in calories - a large green salad contains only 50 calories. Beware of the oily, high-fat creamy dressings!
- Lettuce contains beta-carotene, iron, potassium, calcium, Vitamin C and folate.
Did you know?
Dark green lettuce has more beta-carotene and Vitamin C than paler varieties. For example, Romaine lettuce has five times as much Vitamin C; and more folate and beta-carotene than ice-burg lettuce.
The goal of this workout is to sculpt and tone the lower body.
Do 2 sets of 12 to 16 repetitions of each exercise, thrice a week, on alternate days.
Stand with your heels off the edge of a step or a bench. Now, slowly raise yourself up on your toes (tensing your calf muscle) and then lower down. .
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent; and hold dumbbells in your hands. Keep your back in a neutral position and bend your knees to about 90-degrees, make sure your knees do not go over your toes. Return to starting position.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold dumbbells in each hand, bring one foot forward. Make sure that when go into this lunge position, both your knees are bent in line with your ankles. Return to starting position and switch legs.
Lie on your back with your heels on a step or on the floor, and your knees at 90-degrees. Raise your pelvis and squeeze your hips as you lift up. Slowly return to starting position.
Lie on your back with your knees raised at a 90-degree angle and your lower back pressed gently down on the mat. Support your neck by placing your palms behind your head. Keeping your chin off the chest, slowly contract your abs and lift up, and then lower down.
Lie on your back and lift and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Contract your abs to stabilize your torso, and bring your hips and knees towards your chest. Slowly return to starting position.
Lie on your back with legs extended and arms behind your head to support your neck. Contract abs and lift shoulders off the floor and use your oblique muscles by bringing the left shoulder towards the right knee and extending left leg in front; and then the right shoulder toward the left knee extending right leg in front.
Lie on your stomach and place your hands on your lower back. Lift your upper body off the floor; keep your eyes on the floor and your chin in a relaxed position. Slowly return to starting position.
Start with a 5-minute warm-up by walking briskly.
In order to loose excess flab from any part of your body you need to burn calories and consume less fat. Include any aerobic activity that burns calories - you can do anything from playing basketball (400 calories an hour) to jumping rope (300 calories in 25 minutes). Also, if you want to shape-up, watch what you eat! Cut back on fats and sugar. You don’t need to starve yourself, but eat a well balanced diet has a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and sprouts.
After each workout, record the details of your training session in a diary.
Monitor your progress and shortcomings to achieve your goals.
Have you ever wondered why your muscles ache soon after a workout session?
The most common reason is a build-up of lactic acid, which causes muscle cramps or soreness immediately after the workout session. How? During periods of intense exercise or weight training, a substance called lactic acid builds up in the muscles.
This build-up of lactic acid is removed rapidly within 30 to 60 minutes of the exercise session. It is metabolized within the muscle cell in which it was produced and the excess is carried to the liver as lactate where it is broken down.
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood.
The best way to understand people is to listen to them.”
- By Ralph Nichols