This 20-minute home exercise plan has been designed so that you can get into shape in minimum time in the convenience of your home. Whether you exercise indoors or outdoors, all you need to do is stick to your workouts!
The aim is to exercise 6 days a week for 20 minutes on each day. The three workouts, A, B and C as described below, work the upper, mid and lower body; plus challenge your cardiovascular abilities.
The idea is to build endurance, reduce body fat, and trim and tone the entire body. The weight training and cardio segment will speed up your metabolism, helping you build muscle and burn calories.
Start with a 2-minute warm-up by walking briskly or doing a slow jog.
Stretch: After each workout, do static stretches of all your major muscles that you have worked, holding each stretch for 30 seconds without bouncing
Choose your weight: Use a set of 2 to 15-pound dumbbells. Select a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete all the reps in good form.
Progress: As you get stronger, add resistance so that your muscles stay challenged. To avoid plateaus, vary your workouts every 4-6 weeks.
Jog in place for 2 minutes (warm-up)
Push-up and leg lift: 1 minute
(Works your pectorals, triceps and deltoids)
Get into a push-up position; arms more than shoulder-width apart; back, hips and legs aligned. Bend elbows out to the side and lower the chest toward the floor. Lift the right leg more than a foot off the floor as you press back to starting position. Repeat, raising the left leg as you push up. -
Upright row: 1 minute
(Works your posterior deltoid and trapezius)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your arms by your side and palms in, pull your shoulders back and contract your abs. Now use your shoulders and back muscles to raise weights to chest height, bending elbows out to the sides. Slowly lower arms and return to starting position. -
Bicep curl: 1 minute
(Works your biceps)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. With elbows close to your waist, bend your arm; tensing the bicep, and then slowly extend the arm. -
Tricep kickbacks: 1 minute
(Works your triceps)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and bend knees into a hip-hinge position. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and keep your elbows tucked into your waist. Extend your arm in line with your torso, slowly tensing your tricep muscles, and then bend your elbow back to starting position. -
Push press: 1 minute
(Works your shoulders)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lift your hand up to shoulder level and push overhead, extending your arm as you do this. Bring your arms back to shoulder level. -
Crunches: 1 minute
(Works upper abs)
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor with your lower back pressed gently down on the mat. Support your neck by placing your palms behind your head. Keeping your chin off the chest, slowly contract your abs and lift yourself up, and then lower yourself down. -
Reverse curls: 1 minute
(Works lower abs)
Lie on your back and lift and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Contract your abs to stabilize your torso, and bring your hips and knees towards your chest. Slowly return to starting position. -
Hover: 1 minute
(Stabilizes the torso and strengthens the abs and back)
Lie on your stomach. With elbows bent and close to your waist, lift your entire body into a plank position. The entire body is in a straight line parallel to the floor and resting on your forearms and toes. Use your abdominal and back strength to maintain this position. Hold for 1 minute. Slowly return to starting position. -
Back extensions: 1 minute
(Works your back)
Lie on your stomach and place your hands on your lower back. Lift your upper body off the floor; keep your eyes on the floor and your chin in a relaxed position. Slowly return to starting position.
(Repeat sequence)
Jog in place 2 minutes (warm-up)
Calf lifts: 1 minute
(Works your calf muscle)
Stand with feet hip-width apart, slowly come up on your toes (tensing your calf muscle slowly as you lift up) and then return to starting position. -
Lunge and leg curl: 2 minutes
(Works your quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus maximus)
Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, hands on hips and lunge left foot forward (don’t let knee extend past toes). Slowly straighten the left leg and bend the right knee. Bring foot as close to the butt as possible, and return to starting position. Switch legs. -
Side lunges: 2 minutes
(Works your inner and outer thigh)
Stand with feet together. Now lift your right leg off the floor and squat to the right side, then with the left leg to the left side. Make sure your knees and ankles are in one line when you go into squat position. -
Lying down butt-squeezes: 2 minutes
(Works your gluteus)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly lift your hips off the floor; squeezing them as you lift up, then slowly return to starting position. -
Oblique bicycles: 2 minutes
(Works your abs and obliques)
Lie on your back with legs extended and arms behind your head to support your neck. Contract abs and lift shoulders off the floor. Use your oblique muscles by attempting to bring the left shoulder towards the right knee and the right shoulder toward the left knee.
(Repeat sequence)
- Jog in place: 2 minutes (warm-up).
- Leg curls: 2 minutes
- Knee lifts: 2 minutes
- Kicks fronts: 2 minutes
- Skipping rope: 1 minute
- Jumping jacks: 1 minute
- March in place: 1 minute
(Repeat sequence)
Obey the speed limit: Even though time is short, to work your muscles effectively you must move slowly and stay in control. Be especially careful at the end of a set when you may feel tired and be in a rush to finish.
Focus: When you workout, focus on the muscle and feel it contract; this will make your workout more effective.
Release tension slowly: Believe it or not, you actually work your muscles during the “easy” part of an exercise, when you lower your arm or your leg.
Breathe: Hold your breath and your muscles will fatigue faster. It is important to breathe consistently while exercising.
Drink water: Even though this workout session is only for 20 minutes, research shows that your performance suffers if you are dehydrated. Do drink water, before, during and after exercising.
- Benefits of Exercise
- Exercise and the Heart
- Exercise and the Bones
- Exercise and Hypertension
- Exercise Excuses and how to beat them
- Over Exercising is bad for you
- Kids gotta Exercise too!
- What is Obesity
- Fitness Triangle
- Running, Skipping and Cycling
- Walking
- Swimming
- Common Fitness Myths
- Evaluate your Fitness Quotient
- Wellness Tools and Charts