Analysis of fad diets

Low-fat diets

An overview

Low-fat diets usually result in intake of high-carbohydrate consumption. People on these diets usually over consume low-fat products. Often, low-fat foods are high in sugar levels and consist of excess calories.

What it does

Very low-fat consumption can be associated with malnourishment, low functional capacity, low energy expenditure and increased risk of osteoporosis.

An analysis

In many ways, we have become obsessed with fat consumption in order to lose weight. Very often, fat is eliminated from the diet or reduced to very low intake levels. While high-fat consumption is a major cause of weight gain, a drastic reduction can have its own drawbacks. Some of the healthiest weight loss plans advocate moderate levels of fat intake. This is because fats are essential to the body, as they assist in energy production, improve immune function, are responsible for healthy skin and hair, besides being needed for the manufacture of essential hormones.

Food combining diet

An overview

These diets claim that certain foods should not be combined in the same meal because this interferes with proper digestion. The idea is that when foods are combined inappropriately, they cannot be absorbed in the intestinal tract. And weight gain is a result of eating patterns, not excess calorie intake.

This food plan encourages you to eat 60 to 70 percent of fruits and vegetables, the other 30 to 40 percent should consist of starch such as rice, breads or pasta and minimal amounts of animal protein. Dairy products are discouraged.

What it does

Weight loss is mainly due to the high intake of low-calorie foods.

Eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables increases fiber intake, reduces cholesterol levels and promotes health.

An analysis

The good part of this food plan is that it encourages you to eat healthy foods. But cutting down on dairy products can cause deficiencies in nutrients such as protein, calcium, Vitamins D and B12. Besides, the concept of combining foods is still controversial. If a regular diet is maintained with an increase in fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and dairy products, chances of nutritional imbalances are decreased and you still will lose weight as a result of the high consumption of fiber-rich foods.

Cabbage soup diet

An overview

This 7-day diet plan encourages you to eat as much cabbage soup as you can. The food options vary, but primarily include low-calorie vegetables like cabbage, onions and tomatoes.

What it does

You will lose weight quickly with this diet. It advocates weight loss as much as 10 to 15 pounds in seven days.

You can eat the prescribed foods to your fill.

An analysis

This dangerously low-calorie diet can leave you feeling light-headed and weak. It is too low in complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, Vitamins and minerals. And when you restart regular eating habits, you will eventually gain the weight you would have lost with this diet.

Grapefruit diet

An overview

There are several versions of this diet. All of them require that you eat half a grapefruit before each meal. The idea behind this diet is to induce natural fat burning enzymes that are supposedly found in grapefruits. Calories typically consumed are limited to less than 800 per day.

What it does

Grapefruit has no fat, it is low in calories and sodium and high in Vitamin C.

This plan promotes quick weight loss, mainly due to loss of body water.

An analysis

This is a very-low calorie diet and therefore is dangerous to health. It omits important food groups, Vitamins and minerals. Any diet that is so restrictive can prove to be impractical and unsafe in the long run.
