Are you confused with all the print ads, T.V. commercials and headlines in the newspapers and magazines about correct diet and food habits? Some of these myths are probably floating around because we are always looking for a magical solution to our needs. Other times it may be a result of wishful thinking and our demand for quick answers. But in our readiness to swallow cleverly packaged illusions – media hype and testimonials – aren’t we fooling ourselves?
Take a look at some common myths and let us separate them from facts.
Fats tend to be blamed for weight increase and are always on the taboo list of people on diets. But the truth is that a high-fat diet is as harmful as a no-fat diet.
A downside to losing weight by eliminating all fats and increasing energy expenditure by way of exercise is the depletion of energy from the body.
They provide the body with energy and are needed to maintain healthy skin and hair. They are also responsible for transportation of crucial fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, some essential fatty acids are required for manufacturing certain hormones.
Fat consumption should be kept to a minimum if your goal is to lose weight. Good fats are monosaturated fats such as olive oil and polysaturated fats found in nuts, seed oils and fish. Nuts contain healthy fats and, when consumed in small quantities, reduce blood cholesterol and protect the heart against disease.
It is true that genes do a play a part in your body shape and weight.
But you just cannot sit back and say, “Well, my parents are overweight, and I have their genes, so I accept the fact that I am overweight, too.”
Though you may not be as thin or petite as the fashion model who walks down the ramp; you can still be the in the best possible shape, given your body and framework. It is therefore, important to study your metabolism and body build and then incorporate changes in food and exercise to achieve a weight that is ideal for you.
Or the watermelon diet. Or the all-protein diet. Or the no-carbohydrates diet.
Or the juice diet.
They are difficult to sustain. Also, when you eventually go off these diets you can gain more weight then you lost. This yo-yo-ing of weight places too much strain on the digestive system and in the long run is considered harmful for health.
Although these types of “fad diets” help you lose weight, an important aspect that is often overlooked is the lack of nutrients and minerals that are consumed. On a conducted survey of 29,000 weight loss claims and theories, it was found that only 6 percent were effective and that most of them were downright dangerous.
The key to safe and successful way to weight loss is the time-tested advice of eating low caloric foods, which provide balance, variety and nourishment to the body.
Today many diets eliminate certain food groups or focus on eating primarily one or two food groups. Your body needs a balanced diet that supplies you with diverse nutrients to keep you fit and energized. The body requires water, Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber and oxygen for its maintenance, nourishment and repair. Eating a wholesome diet that includes fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, sprouts, seeds and low fat dairy products will build your immune system, helping you build health and achieve your goals sensibly.
- Eat Right
- Know your Veggies, Fruits, Nuts and Herbs
- Eating Right and still being a Vegetarian
- Water Works
- Go the Juicy Way
- Yes- yes and No- No
- Food Facts
- Meal Plans
- Analysis of Fad Diets
- Calorie Counter
- Sprouts
- Food Excuses and how to beat them
- Myths and Misconceptions about Food
- Are you getting Enough Fibre?
- Perfectly balanced Indian Food: An Overview