Food Facts
Good Fats

Good fats are monounsaturated fats such as olive, peanut and canola oil; and polyunsaturated fats that come from plant sources such as corn, nuts, seeds and sunflower oils. These are good fats since when consumed in small quantities they reduce total blood cholesterol by and protect the heart against disease.

Only a small amount of fat - as little as one teaspoon a day of this essential fat is needed to meet the basic nutritional needs.

Fish and omega-3

FishFor a low-fat alternative to red meat, it's hard to beat seafood. Fish and shellfish contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Salads are good


Salads are light and contain very few calories. They provide the body with vitamins, minerals and roughage. Beware of high-calorie creamy salad dressings and toppings like cheese, fried croutons or bacon bits.

Less is more

Good Fats

When it comes to salt, remember, it’s safer to reduce intake to only ½ to 1-teaspoon of salt per day. Excess salt consumption can cause water retention and high blood pressure. To reduce salt intake try salt substitutes such as dill, oregano, mixed herbs, garlic, ginger or lemon wherever possible.

Fibre: Give your body ample

Grandmother called this “roughage,” but her advice to eat more is still up-to-date!

Fruits, vegetables, whole-grain foods, beans are all good sources and help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and improve functioning of the digestive system.

Steam it or boil it?

Steaming involves cooking foods in a steamer over boiling water. Since the food does not come into contact with water, the nutrients are retained. Boiling, on the other hand is cooking foods in a hot water over a high flame. Since the food comes into contact with water, some of the nutrients are lost.

Steaming is a healthy method of cooking; in addition, it keeps the natural flavour, colour and texture of the food intact.

Fool your taste buds with healthy substitutes

Instead of……

Try this…..

And save….grams of fat!

Whole milk

Low fat milk

5 grams per cup

Cheddar cheese

Reduced fat cheddar cheese

8 grams per ounce

Ice cream

Flavored Ice milk or frozen yogurt

4.5 grams per ½ cup

Potato chips

Baked potato chips

10 grams per ounce

Butter popcorn

Light popcorn

7 grams per serving

Ice cream bar

Ice lolly

12 grams per bar

Pepperoni pizza

Vegetable pizza

7 grams per slice

Snack your way

  • Keep mixed nuts in your desk drawer at work.
  • Keep a bowl full of fresh veggies and fruits on your kitchen counter.
  • Try dry fruits as a tasty and energizing snack you can take anywhere.
  • Limit your consumption of French fries, chips and other fried products
  • when nibbling as well as at mealtimes. Substitute with raw veggies and a non-fat dip or baked snacks.
